The project for the new social centre in Muimenta gets under way

24 October 2024

The winning team of the competition met this morning with the Council of Carballeda de Avia and other local agents to start the drafting of the project. ‘Socalcos’ is the winning proposal of the first competition promoted by Fundación RIA with the support of the MOP Foundation.

The winning team of the architectural competition for the Muimenta social centre visited Carballeda de Avia today to start the drafting of the project that will transform a ruin in the village of Muimenta into a new social centre of reference not only for the village, but for the entire municipality of Carballeda de Avia. The members of the team – the Galician architect Daniel Magide, together with Eduardo Dipre and Miguel Ángel Díaz from the Bilbao studio Based Architecture – met today with representatives of the Carballeda de Avia Council to coordinate the next steps, as well as with other local agents.

The winning proposal, entitled ‘Socalcos’, was selected at the beginning of the month, after participating in the architectural competition promoted by the Council of Carballeda de Avia with the technical support of Fundación RIA and the financial support of Fundación MOP.

This first visit to the site marks the start of the drafting of the project that will rehabilitate a ruin and its surroundings to transform it into a flexible and multifunctional space, making it possible to meet the demands of the existing population and potential inhabitants of the village. For this purpose, the team has followed the guidelines of Fundación RIA, which after an analysis of the needs, the environment and the local agents, was the entity in charge of designing a new functional programme for the facility.

This first meeting between the representatives of the Council and the project drafting team also put the finishing touch to the exhibition that during this month showed in the Council of Carballeda de Avia all the proposals participating in the architectural competition. In the coming months, the exhibition will move to Casa RIA, where it will be available to visit during the opening hours of its exhibition hall: Monday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm. Details of this exhibition will be published in the coming weeks on RIA’s website and social networks.

Social media of the winning team:
Daniel Magide
Based Architecture

Finsa and RIA collaborate to launch an architectural competition in November

Carballeda de Avia resolved the competition for the social centre in Muimenta

The first competition under the agreement between RIA and the MOP Foundation has been launched to design a social centre in Muimenta

Collaboration agreement between Fundación Marta Ortega Pérez and Fundación RIA